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Society Rules

A member may withdraw from the Society through a letter addressed to the Secretary and sent by post or e-mail. The Society, however, shall not be liable to return any fee that may have been paid by the member in advance.

A member who has withdrawn and whose subscription is not in arrears shall automatically recover his/her membership without re-election if he/she rejoins the Society through a written request to the Secretary within a year of withdrawal provided his/her withdrawal is not accompanied by any activity detrimental to the Society in any manner. He shall be liable to pay all dues as if he/she had not renounced the membership.

If, in the opinion of the Executive Council, any member of the Society has acted against its aims andobjects or in a manner detrimental to the interests of the Society, it may, after giving him/her an opportunity to be heard, recommend to the General Body removal of such member from the membership of the Society.


The society shall establish its zonal/local chapters as per the guidelines laid down by the Committee set up for this purpose by the Executive Council subject to approval of the General Body.


The property, movable and immovable, belonging to the Society shall be deemed to be vested for the time being in the Executive Council and in all proceedings, civil and criminal, shall be described as the property of the Executive Council of the Society by their property title. The President, Secretary and Treasurer of the Society shall be the Trustees of all the property belonging to or intended to be acquired by the Society and shall have the power to sign jointly, execute and register any deed and documents or instruments in this connection on approval of the Executive Council.

As far as possible, whenever an opportunity arises, the savings of the Society shall be invested in the Government securities and nationalized banks with a view to improving the financial health of the Society. The Executive Council shall take necessary advice from competent professionals in the matters of investment.

The Society’s accounts will be operated jointly by the Secretary and Treasurer.

The income and property of the Society shall be solely utilized for the promotion of its objectives as set forth in the Memorandum and no portion there of shall be distributed among its members by way of dividend, bonus, etc.

If at any time the Society is dissolved and if there shall remain upon such dissolution after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities any funds and property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid or distributed among the members of the Society but shall be given to some other society to be determined by the votes of not less than two-thirds of the members at the time of dissolution.


The above rules may be amended at any Annual or an Extra Ordinary General Body meeting of the Society called by the Secretary following the procedure described under rule 32.

A proposal for the amendment of these Rules may be made either by the Executive Council or by at least fifty members of the Society. In the latter case, the Executive Council will examine the proposal and prepare its recommendations. The Executive Council’s proposal or the members’ proposal along with the Council’s recommendations will be circulated by the Secretary among the members of the Society at least one month before the next Annual General Body meeting. The proposals will be accepted by a two-thirds majority of the General Body present at the meeting and voting 54. The Council may, with the sanction of the General Body of the Society, frame or alter bye-laws for the working of the Society consistent with its Constitution and Rules.

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